Miami Tomorrow

Day 1 on the greenscreen stage with my Scripty, Erin.

I’ve been wanting to write a new post for the last four days! I wrapped the LA shooting of MooVision on Thursday afternoon and having been wanting to state the obvious to anyone that knows me because I’m feeling the bug all over again: I LOVE DIRECTING.

Yeah, I knew this before just like you did, but I haven’t directed scripted stuff with talented actors and awesome crew for a while. Remember my last big project was a documentary! APPOINTMENT IN VANCOUVER was so much more about storytelling in the edit…especially since I was the one cutting the film for the first two months of its post lifet.

It’s been so invigorating (and exhausting) and FUN to be doing all the things I love doing as a director – tablereads, fittings, virtual set meeting with my post team, testing speciality props with my art genius, talking out script changes, pulling reference tracks for my composer, grumbling about shotlisting and then tail between my legs admitting that “Oh yeah, I love shotlisting.”

And that was just pre-pro!

Our shoot went incredibly well. The crew was fantastic  – positive, patient and professional. Worked with some new faces and already know I want to see them again on my crew.  The cast delivered everything I asked and more — lots of surprise comedy ammo up their sleeves.  I am so happy with the results we got… I say this twenty minutes before actually seeing the dailies so let’s hope I don’t have to take it all back in a few hours!

Next up: Miami. Our traveling, milk-themed gameshow, MOOLAH! premieres beachside on Saturday. Gabe and I fly out tomorrow.  We see our Moomobile (!!!) and our location on Wednesday. I’m hoping to get a few shots of the truck driving around town before our super-packed shoot day on Saturday.  For those in the Miami area, come out and compete for a chance to win up to $300 playing MOOLAH!  Here are the deets:

The hat's my new onset companion and is coming to Miami with me. Hopefully the sunburn on my arms won't make a return appearance.

When: Saturday, July 10, 2010 9:30am – 6:30pm.

Where: On the beach in front of Charnow Park. It’s in the northern portion of Hollywood Beach. (300 Connecticut Street, Hollywood, FL 33019)

*public parking is available at the Garfield Street Garage nearby for $1.50 per hour.

I’m looking forward to Saturday’s shoot being a combo of narrative stuff (scripted questions, gameplay structure) and documentary-style story (live-event, spontaneous comedy/drama and lots of variables at play). Look for my tweets and FB posts — I’ll try and do more in the moment this time around!


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